1. Serial Economics and Business of the Journal of Science of Vietnam National University, Hanoi publishes research articles in the fields of Economics and Business. Submitted manuscripts are accepted on the basis that they have not been, and will not be, published elsewhere.
2. Manuscripts should be written in proper English. Two hard copies and an electronic version of a manuscript must be sent to the Editorial Board. The hard copies of the manuscript should be prepared with double line spacing.
3. All manuscripts should contain an abstract of up to 200 words.
4.Manuscripts should be prepared according to the following order: Article title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, References. The corresponding author should be marked and his/her complete postal address, telephone and fax numbers and the E-mail address should be given on the first page of the manuscript.
5. Please supply about 5 keywords of your own choice that describe the content of your article in more detail.
6. References should be consecutively numbered in the text using square brackets and arranged alphabetically by authors’ last name in the Reference list.
References to articles must include the authors’ names, the article title, the journal name, volume, year and the first page number. Example:
[1] C.E. Fee, C.J. Hadlock, Management turnover across the corporate hierarchy, Journal of Accounting and Economics 37 (2004) 3.
References to books must include the authors’ names, the book title, the name of publisher, the place of publication and the year of publication. Example:
[2] A.J. Mayo, N. Nohria, In their time: the greatest business leaders of the twentieth century, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 2005.
7. Manuscripts will not be returned to the authors in case they are rejected.
8. Address for correspondence:
Editorial Board of Economics and Business
Journal of Science, VietnamNationalUniversity, Hanoi
Room 703, E4 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy Road, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel.: 84-4-37547506 (703, 713)
E-mail: tapchiktkd_kt@vnu.edu.vn.